Valve SteamVR 2.0定位系统已向部分开发者发货
据悉,Valve SteamVR 2.0定位器现已向部分开发者发货。开发基于SteamVR定位追踪的混合型VR一体机头显厂商GameFace Labs,今日通过Twitter上传了关于Valve SteamVR 2.0定位器的图片。据包装盒图片显示,Valve SteamVR 2.0定位器被命名为“Next Generation SteamVR Base Stations”。目前,HTC仍未透露该定位器正式上市时间。
Valve SteamVR 2.0 positioning system
has been shipped to some developers.
It is reported that Valve SteamVR 2.0 positioner has been shipped to some developers. GameFace Labs, a hybrid VR headset developed based on SteamVR location tracking, has today uploaded pictures of Valve SteamVR 2.0 positioner via Twitter. According to the picture of the box, Valve SteamVR 2.0 positioner was named "Next Generation SteamVR Base station". HTC has not disclosed the timing of the localizer.
据悉,瑞典数字艺术家Peder Norrby利用iPhone X原深感摄像头,开发了一款名为“The Parallax View”的应用,旨在创建可根据用户注视点变换的迷幻AR效果。该应用基于iPhone X原深感摄像头可追踪用户头部运动的特性,生成实时响应用户位置的影像,从而为用户带来一种3D影像的错觉。Peder Norrby表示,该应用或将在App Store上免费发行。
The artist developed the psychedelic effect
by using the original camera of iPhoneX.
Swedish digital artist Peder Norrby has been using The iPhone X to develop a camera called "The Parallax View", which aims to create The psyllic effect that can be transformed by The user's gaze. The app is based on the iPhone X's original sense that the camera can track the features of the user's head movement and generate images that respond to the user's location in real time, thus creating an illusion of 3D images for users. Peder Norrby says the App will be available free on the App Store.
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