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2018-03-03 09:16

Huawei Balong 5g01

As a leading global ICT service provider, huawei launched MateBook X Pro line on the first day of the exhibition new laptops and M5 series tablet, also announced in 2018 launched the end-to-end 5 g commercial products, launched in 2019, kirin chips and smart phones.

A world leader in the integrated communication solutions, another - ZTE in this exhibition, to "commercial 5g" "5g connection" "cloud can make 5g" such as the theme, fully shows the leading strength in the field of zte in 5 g. Zte has invested 3 billion yuan in 5G every year, and combined qualcomm and China mobile to complete the first end-to-end system test based on the 3GPP R15 standard.

Intel has also demonstrated 5G's new commercial applications before the MWC: the world's largest 5G technology was successfully demonstrated at the 2018 winter Olympics in pyeongchang.Intel has also announced the deployment for the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games 5 g technology, and cooperation with Japan's NTT DOCOMO communications service providers, for the upcoming 2020 Olympic Games in the network infrastructure, connection and cooperation in a new experience to provide 5 g technical support.

Qualcomm another chipmaker, is not too weak. "the industry has been getting a lot of attention recently for 5G, and we're looking at some of our friends who want to be able to 'rewrite history'," he said. Peter Carson, senior director of marketing at qualcomm, opened a media communication session on 5G topics directly to friends, and the scene seemed to be filled with a strong smell of gunpowder.

This is Huawei. The afternoon before the meeting, huawei opened a new product launch event in the local area, where "One More Thing" was a 5G chip -- Balong 5G01. Huawei said in an official press release that it was "the first commercially available, 3GPP based 5G chip".

According to Peter Carson, qualcomm released the world's first 5G modem, the snapdragon X50 5G modem, last year on the MWC. Last October, in Hong Kong, it announced the world's first 5G data connection based on the snapdragon X50 5G modem chipset. In November, qualcomm teamed up with zte and China mobile to complete the world's first 3GPP standard end-to-end 5G new airport system interoperability (IoDT).

"Some vendors will say they have made a lot of 'industry' or 'first' for the first time, but I believe you heard just now I back to share these announced that point in time, will be very clear understanding, qualcomm has been made in the field of 5 g is very solid progress." Peter Carson.

Peter Carson seems to be some wanting more, and then added: "we have also seen bad launched their 5 g chipsets, or larger size, not suitable for the demand of the mobile terminal. Our goal has always been that 5G chipsets must meet the needs of mobile terminals for size, performance and connection speed. ”According to him, qualcomm's X50 chip is about the size of a 50-cent euro coin.

Similar jokes, qualcomm technology executive vice President and QCT President christiano amon also mentioned. At noon local time, on February 27, at a press conference at home and abroad, he also said that friends' 5G chips were too big to be used in mobile phones.

In fact, before the current MWC, qualcomm has announced with global 20 OEM cooperation, these companies will use qualcomm Xiao dragon X50 5g new hollow modem series, in order to make the first 5g intelligent terminal, expected for release in 2019.

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